Five minutes earlier, the prismatic cloud had the full range of colours. As it was sunset, it showed mostly the red end of the spectrum. Winter at the Gold Coast has special moments like these.

June Update

Sincerest apologies to both Adelaide and Melbourne now (as well as Perth). I couldn’t make Oz Comic-Con in either of these cities for a variety of reasons, but I will definitely be in Sydney and Brisbane in September!

I know Perth hasn’t seen me in ages, and I’m looking at a way to get over there before next year. I will keep you updated.

I haven’t heard from Harper-Collins about Book 10 of ‘Dark Heavens’ – ‘Serpent Princess’ (I sent them a reminder last week) but if it happens, I will have a new book to show everyone later this year and will have a good reason to visit you. It normally takes about six months for them to accept/reject a novel I send them, and I sent it to them in January, so I should hear soon – and you will all be the first to know.

Brilliant Experience in Kyogle

The library decked out in fairy lights for the launch of the writer’s festival.

Thanks so much to Kyogle Readers and Writers, who were fabulous hosts and looked after me so well. Special thanks to Ruth and John, who hosted me in their gorgeous Balinese-styled country home and took me around to see the sights of Kyogle. The sky, without the Gold Coast’s light pollution, was breath-taking.

My half-day self-publishing workshop was tremendously well received, and some people there are doing wonderful things – one local writer has produced a guide to everything hospice and assisted dying, and another is a local artisanal miso producer who has written a user manual in calligraphy on rice paper, and wants to publish it to give to workshop attendees! So much inspiring creativity and originality.

Here’s a link to the local newspaper’s story about the festival’s opening night, and there’s more articles there (one about my workshop)!

Gold Coast Talk this Saturday: Writing Scripts for Games

I’ll be at Burleigh Waters Community Centre at 11am to give a talk to the Gold Coast Writer’s Association on ‘Writing Scripts for Games’. It’ll be about the Haven ‘The Keeper’ experience that I wrote the script for, and should be mind-blowing for anyone who thinks game scripts are anything at all like movie ones. There will be screenshots of the Unreal Engine back-end for the game, and I’ll do a quick slide of the process of taking the script and making it into an interactive experience.

Short version: It was really hard!

Here’s a link to the meeting, and all are welcome, you don’t have to be a member of the GCWA to show up:

I have uploaded a new extract from ‘Serpent Princess’ for $5+ a month Patrons on the Patreon, and a new addition to book 2 of the Council of AIs, ‘Bodies of Stone and Water’, for Patrons who subscribed for at least $1 a month.