All the workshops and conventions are done for the year and I have so many things I want to do – including finishing book 3 of Dragon Empire – and instead I am a Flat Panda. Pixie gets it.
December Update
I had all these plans for the summer and I’ve kind of folded in on myself with exhaustion. Book 3 of Dragon Empire is coming along, though, and that’s the really important thing.
Harper-Collins have already designed the cover for ‘Dawn of Empire’ and although I can’t share it yet, it’s being referred to as ‘Hot and Broody’ (Haruka’s on it)… so there’s that.
As soon as I have details of audio book releases for the ‘Dark Heavens’ series I’ll let you guys know. I’ll contact the publishers again in the New Year to see how that’s coming along.
Apart from that: I have nothing. I’m going to spend the break with my family, here at the beach, and try to survive the summers that just keep getting more extreme.
Have a fabulous break, everyone, and if you’re in the southern hemisphere stay cool and stay safe!
See you in 2020 with a whole new swag of writing goodness.
This massive poinciana tree is across the road from where I live. Those gorgeous red flowers make it a Queensland Christmas tree! – Have a good one, everyone.