There it is, ‘Dawn of Empire’ all complete, and ready to send to the publishers. I printed it out, read through it, and then emailed it through. Mika, you are awesome and I cannot thank you enough for your help in translating ‘Dark Heavens’ to Japanese – and for dinner in Kyoto. I hope you all enjoy this final chapter to Jian, Miko and Haruka’s story.
March Newsletter
‘White Tiger’ Audiobook Fixed
Many thanks again to John Bieleny who contacted me to let me know that Audible have arranged for him to re-download ‘White Tiger’ and the audiobook has been fixed.
‘Red Phoenix’ Audiobook Has Been Released (in Australia)
When a new book is released in Australia, I receive an author copy and it’s the best feeling in the world to open the envelope and see those shiny new things with my name on them. ‘Red Phoenix’ is out on audible (here) and ‘Blue Dragon’ has a release date of April 20th.
As soon as I receive my author copies I send signed copies out to my highest level patrons and that is an even better feeling.
‘Red Phoenix’ Audiobook in the US/rest of the world
I thought I’d passed the ‘When is the next one coming out’ stage – and here it is again. Lovely fans in the US are emailing me and contacting me through my website about the release date of the ‘Red Phoenix’ audiobook in the US. The answer is: I don’t know, I’m not as close with my US publishers as I am with my Australian ones, and they don’t give me much information (or author copies). Keep an eye on the Audible page, and let me know if you see it!
2020 Conventions and Corona Virus
This feels weird. I left Hong Kong just before SARS was a thing, and here we are again. Corona (SARS was a corona-type as well) is way more contagious than SARS was (hence the world-wide spread).
The ownership and administration of Oz Comic-Con is still in flux, so I haven’t heard anything from them. I wasn’t invited to either Melbourne or Gold Coast Supanovas this month, so I didn’t attend them either.
With the pandemic situation as it is, and mass gatherings a bad idea, I’ll keep you updated on future plans as they occur.
If you’re stuck at home in quarantine, all my best wishes (I spend most of my time alone at home anyway, that’s a writer’s life). I hope my books help to ease the boredom.
Stay safe, everyone.