Brisbane Partners in Con
Here’s Queenie and Traci, on the Friday night before the con started, heading back to the Platinum party from the Convention Centre.
Giant Funkos!
As I approached the hall on the first day, I was greeted by these GIANT Funko-pops – at least as tall as me.
Debby and Loki!
My friend Debby came to help me on the Saturday. She made that T-shirt herself!
Me: Debby, please take lots of photos of cosplay for me while I’m busy
Debby: I already did
Debby: I don’t know what this is but it was AWESOME
Me: Warhammer 40k Space Marine
All Might
Sailor Moon
She knows she’s gorgeous
Gohan and Videl
Me: And you put your hands like this, and you put your hands like that
Them: … all right…
Tracey Harding and T2000
Tracey was next to me and we had a blast being con buddies!
I love their glowing magic balls.
(Yuri on Ice is my go-to happy place)
… And that’s a wrap!
All guests of the con received these AMAZING beer packs with art by our own Wayne Nichols.
Sunday’s Con Buddy
Tracey O’Hara came to help me on Sunday – here she is, too cool for school.
Tracey brought her nephew Michael, and I sent them off to take ALL THE PHOTOS
Arrow Tracey and Arsenal!
Michael and Black Panther!
She knows she’s gorgeous as well!
Quick Sword Lessons
Michael bought a couple of prop swords and I got so frustrated with him waving them around that I gave him a quick how-to lesson.
Fangirling it up!
Here’s the con-art crew, with Gates McFadden of Star Trek TNG. I’m a happy fangirl!
And that’s a wrap Brisbane!
Kate the volunteer is destroyed… so the con was a success. On to Sydney!
Cat and Diana
Cat Sparks was my con buddy in Sydney – check out her sci-fi ‘Lotus Blue’
This is a real magazine. With articles for cats. So of course I bought it.
The Prettiest Disney Princesses
In the show!
Cruella De Ville…
I have that song stuck in my head now
I met Thor on my way to the Green Room
My pick for best cosplay. Tom Holland’s costume for the lip-synch battle where he danced to Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’. Uh… google it?
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