Author: Kylie Chan

July Update

Winter is here, and every time I settle onto the couch to play one of my games on the Playstation, Pixie nestles under my arm and puts her paw on the controller to help.  July Update ‘Serpent Princess’ Thanks to...

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June Update

Five minutes earlier, the prismatic cloud had the full range of colours. As it was sunset, it showed mostly the red end of the spectrum. Winter at the Gold Coast has special moments like these. June Update Sincerest apologies to...

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May Update

Cooler weather means steamboat! Also called hotpot. BEST winter warmer and the Thai ‘Sukiyaki’ dipping sauce I found at the local Asian Grocery is wonderful. So tasty! May Update Oz Comic-Con Sincerest apologies to...

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April Update

Pink sunset with a storm on the horizon, and a rainbow fragment in the middle of it. Autumn is brilliant!   April Update I delayed updating the blog because I was waiting for confirmation from Oz Comic-Con about the...

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March Update

Easterly winds have brought a mass of bluebottles (Portuguese men’o’war) onto the beach. To the far right of the shot is an upside-down Glaucus – a sea swallow – that is a predator that eats bluebottles...

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