April Update
Pink sunset with a storm on the horizon, and a rainbow fragment in the middle of it. Autumn is brilliant! April Update I delayed updating the blog because I was waiting for confirmation from Oz Comic-Con about the possibility of doing their Perth con in May,...
March Update
Easterly winds have brought a mass of bluebottles (Portuguese men'o'war) onto the beach. To the far right of the shot is an upside-down Glaucus - a sea swallow - that is a predator that eats bluebottles - and stings as well! I have to be very careful when doing my...
February Update
Sometimes the Gold Coast isn't the fine, clear and 'blue-sky'-ed as the postcards represent. But even so, the sea has its own special beauty. February Update 2024 is here, and I already have bookings for a variety of workshops, presentations, and appearances....
Why China Sucks at Innovation, So It Bought the Hugos
New York: I contend that the Party buying control over the juntas in charge of the Philippines and Indonesia doesn’t count as an invasion. - Me, in Minds of Sand and Light This is a follow-on to my little thing about the protests back in October 2019, and looking back...
January Update
My daughter came up to the Gold Coast for Christmas and we had MANY yum cha overlooking the beautiful Broadwater. Welcome to 2024, everyone! I've already been booked for a couple of things this year, and I have some big Dark Heavens news as well! 'Serpent Princess'...
December Update
Summer's finally here! And I will be spending a LOT of time on the beach. Plotting. December Update What a wild year it's been. I did four Oz Comic-Cons (I plan to go to Perth next year, don't panic) and the Sydney Book Fair, as well as a whole bunch of workshops and...
November Update
They took turns hiding in my suitcase, and both of them wanted to come to Sydney Book Fair with me. November Update Book Fair Australia was a huge hit, thanks so much to the organisers for this great fair. 2023 was only its second year, and the turnout was very...
October Update
While I was in Sydney for Oz Comic-Con, my daughter took me to the Kowloon Cafe in Burwood that even had a sixteen-seater public light bus. I had Emma's (and my) favourite - baked pork chop on rice. Ho Mei! It's been a wild three weeks and I still have places...
September Update
I took this from an afternoon walk, and locals don't even stop to watch when the whales breach, it's so common. The spouts (Thar she blows!) are clearly visible from shore, and then sometimes the whole whale will spring out of the water. September Update Big...
August Update
Portrait Of The Author at rehearsal for 'Looks Like A Tourist'. Check the end of the newsletter for how to view this performance - done completely by volunteers! August Update This one has more happening than usual, so I'll put the competitions and giveaways...
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