Author: Kylie Chan

November Update

  Traci Harding interviewed me and Queenie at Oz Comic-Con Brisbane in September. Here it is on her channel – she has plenty of interesting writing tips and industry news! November Newsletter Better late than never!...

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October Update

I’ve written a quick summary of the Hong Kong protests and shared it on my website. You can check it out here: THE HONG KONG PROTESTS: A QUICK (AND BY NO MEANS COMPLETE) SUMMARY Feel free to share it if you like, I have no...

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September Update

Me: (Turns on laptop with this photo as wallpaper)  Me: Isn’t this beautiful? I took this photo. Schoolkids: WHOAAAA Schoolkids: Where is this!!!!???? Me: Kinosakionsen in Western Japan, hot water comes out of the ground....

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August Update

It’s the middle of winter and I don’t have another appearance booked for two weeks, so time to catch up on the website. I’m planning to post an explanatory page about book sizes. Top to bottom: US Mass market...

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